Lab vs. Natural Diamonds: What's the Difference?

In the diamond world, people often talk about lab-grown diamonds versus natural diamonds. It's a big debate touching on ethics, the environment, and quality, to name just a few categories. Knowing the differences between these types of diamonds is crucial for anyone looking to buy an engagement ring. So we’re going to break down lab vs. natural diamonds and what their differences mean for where they come from, how their appearance compares, and answers to your most pressing questions.


Do lab-grown diamonds look like natural diamonds?

Yes, lab-grown diamonds exhibit the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as natural diamonds, making them virtually indistinguishable to the naked eye. Both types of diamonds share the same crystal structure, refractive index, and hardness, resulting in similar appearances. Lab-grown diamonds come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and qualities, offering individuals a wide range of options comparable to natural diamonds.  

Advanced technologies and processes ensure that lab-grown diamonds meet strict quality standards, including color, clarity, and cut, further enhancing their resemblance to natural diamonds. As such, lab-grown diamonds are an attractive alternative for those seeking diamonds that look identical to natural diamonds but are produced in a more sustainable and affordable manner.

Understanding the distinctions between lab-grown diamonds and natural diamonds is crucial for couples navigating the diamond world in search of their dream engagement ring. While both types of diamonds offer unique advantages and face their respective challenges, the choice between them ultimately depends on individual preferences, values, and priorities.

Lab vs. natural diamonds

Lab vs. natural oval diamond ring

Origins and Formation

Lab-grown diamonds are cultivated in controlled environments that replicate the natural conditions present deep in the earth’s crust that lead to natural diamond formation. Through processes such as High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD), carbon atoms are coerced into crystallizing as diamonds. These methods offer precise control over diamond growth, resulting in diamonds that are chemically and optically identical to natural diamonds.

Natural diamonds, or more accurately mined diamonds, undergo a geological journey lasting millions of years. Mined diamonds are formed deep within the Earth's mantle under immense pressure and temperature. They are brought to the surface through volcanic eruptions or geological processes, where they are then mined from various deposits. The natural formation process imbues each natural diamond with unique characteristics and imperfections, contributing to its individuality and value.

Ethical Considerations

It’s impossible to separate the diamond-mining industry from its ecological impact. Lab-grown diamonds offer a solution to ethical concerns associated with traditional diamond mining. They eliminate the need for environmentally destructive mining practices and mitigate the risk of human rights violations often associated with the diamond industry. By opting for lab-grown diamonds, individuals can support more sustainable and ethical practices in the jewelry industry.

The extraction of natural diamonds has long been associated with ethical challenges, including labor exploitation and environmental degradation. Efforts to address these issues, such as the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme adopted to eradicate conflict diamonds, have been met with mixed levels of success from region to region. Despite certification efforts, concerns remain regarding the effectiveness of monitoring and enforcement mechanisms, leading some individuals to question how mined diamonds can be ethical.

Question: Are lab-grown diamonds a more ethical purchase than natural diamonds?

In terms of ethical considerations, lab-grown diamonds are generally regarded as a more ethical purchase compared to natural diamonds. While lab-grown diamonds still require considerable energy to produce, they eliminate the need for environmentally destructive mining, and water pollution. Moreover, lab-grown diamonds are usually not seen with the level of ethical concerns related to labor exploitation and human rights violations sometimes associated with diamond mining in certain regions. That being said and in fairness to the more responsible mining companies, some give back to local communities by building schools, providing equal employment, and financing wildlife conservation.

Environmental Impact

Lab-grown diamonds boast a significantly lower environmental footprint compared to natural diamonds. They consume less energy, water, and land, and produce minimal waste, making them a far more sustainable option. Furthermore, the controlled production process of lab diamonds reduces the need for land excavation and habitat destruction associated with traditional diamond mining.

The mining and processing of natural diamonds contribute to habitat destruction, water pollution, and carbon emissions. Large-scale mining operations can also have detrimental effects on local ecosystems and communities, raising concerns about sustainability. Additionally, the transportation of natural diamonds from mining sites to processing facilities and eventually to market adds to their environmental impact. 

Levels of Quality

When it comes to comparing the levels of quality of lab-grown diamonds vs. natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds offer an exceptional level of quality that rivals that of natural diamonds. Through advanced technology and controlled environments, manufacturers can produce lab-grown diamonds with identical characteristics to their natural, mined counterparts. This means that lab-grown diamonds exhibit the same brilliance, clarity, and durability as natural diamonds. They are in fact chemically and optically identical to natural diamonds, the only difference is where they were created.

Natural diamonds exhibit variability in quality due to their geological origins. While certain natural diamonds are prized for their rarity and exceptional characteristics, others may exhibit higher frequencies of flaws or imperfections.

Both lab grown and natural diamonds are graded the same way for quality, and stones that are above a certain size threshold (usually half a carat) are sent to a lab such as the GIA or IGI for independent testing and certification.  

In 2024, lab grown diamonds cost on average 85% less than natural diamonds, which means that for any given budget, one would be able to afford a much higher quality lab grown diamond than a natural diamond.  

Market Perception and Value

Despite their clear advantages, lab-grown diamonds faced challenges early on in gaining widespread acceptance and recognition within the jewelry industry. Some individuals perceive them as inferior or less prestigious than natural diamonds, influenced by decades of marketing emphasizing the rarity and exclusivity of natural diamonds. However, as awareness of lab diamonds grows and technology advances, their acceptance and market share are rapidly increasing. This means jewelers are much more likely to offer lab-grown diamond options for engagement rings and work with well-established suppliers.

Natural diamonds have long been synonymous with luxury, exclusivity, and prestige. They hold significant cultural and symbolic value, often serving as heirlooms and investment assets. The perception of natural diamonds as timeless treasures contributes to their enduring demand and high market value, particularly for rare and exceptional specimens.

Are lab-grown diamonds cheaper than natural diamonds?

Yes, lab-grown diamonds tend to be more affordable than natural diamonds. The cost of producing lab-grown diamonds is lower due to their controlled manufacturing process, the abundance of raw materials, lack of extensive supply chain, and also from much more competition (whereas the natural diamond market is an oligopoly dominated by three large conglomerates). Additionally, lab-grown diamonds do not incur expenses related to mining, which can be significant in the case of natural diamonds. As a result, individuals will find lab-grown diamonds priced at a fraction of the cost of natural diamonds with equal characteristics. To read more on this subject, we cover it extensively in our article “Lab-Grown Diamonds vs. Mined Diamonds: A Cost Analysis”.

Are lab-grown diamonds a better value than natural diamonds?

The perception of value depends on individual preferences and priorities. Lab-grown diamonds offer several advantages, including ethical considerations, environmental sustainability, and affordability. For those who prioritize these factors, lab-grown diamonds may represent a better value proposition. However, natural diamonds hold symbolic and cultural significance, and some individuals perceive them as more valuable due to their history and enduring appeal. Ultimately, the value proposition of lab-grown versus natural diamonds varies depending on each individual’s perspective and priorities.

Should I Buy a Lab Grown Diamond?

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