Creative Ideas for Proposing at Home

Your engagement proposal doesn't have to happen at a faraway destination or perched on a dramatic mountaintop. We've put together a lot of fun and easy ideas that won't cost a lot but will still be memorable. And many of our ideas can still be combined with a special destination, whether that's at home or a place special to you both.

1) Create a custom memory book

Use Shutterfly or any other picture printing service to create a collection of sentimental items such as poems, stories, or photos that capture your most cherished memories together is perfect for the true romantic.

2) Create a jigsaw puzzle

Similarly, you can print a custom puzzle with a creative way to pop the question embedded somewhere in the puzzle.

3) Treasure hunt!

Put together a set of clues that will lead your partner to different places significant to your relationship, and for the final clue, you can lead them to the spot where you plan to propose.

4) Pop the question .... with a Post-It

Adorn a wall in your home with post it notes that have memories, pictures, sayings, events, moments in the life you have shared so far with your partner and then get down on one knee and ask that question that has been sparked by all those beautiful shared memories.

5) Egg hunt

Dry out eggs or use plastic ones and fill them with your own personal messages. Make the golden egg the most challenging to find on your egg hunt - that is the one with the special question that will change your lives forever.

6) Pop Up Book Proposal

Find a chapter in a book that has a connection to you both and what marriage means to you. Then cut out a space for the ring in that section of the book. Place the ring inside and gift the book to your partner after a special dinner. When the book is opened to that special page - SURPRISE!

7) Proposal Poems

Dedicate or write a proposal to your partner full of meaning and love. Incorporate the question into a poem or ask after your reading.

8) Box Full of Bling

Tried and true, but works! On Valentine’s day hide the ring in a box full of chocolate. It's true what they say, “You never know what you’re gonna get.”

9) Puppy Love

Gift your partner the pet you have both been wanting and on its collar or toy hide the ring that you present to your partner after you pop the question.

10) Keep Things Cool

How about using magnetic letters to spell out Will You Marry Me on your fridge?

11) Pop the Bottle!

Have a special label made for your favorite champagne that has Will You Marry Me on it and celebrate after that cheery YES!

12) Website Replay

Create a website and include your love story. Then end the visit to the site with a proposal.

13) Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Name a star after your partner and present it while you bend down on one knee and as the FOREVER question.

14) Holiday Lights

During the holidays use strings of lights to help you propose. Hang them in the form of the words "WILL U" and you finish the rest.

15) Proposal Pic Collage

Have family and friends send you images of themselves holding up pics that represent you and your partner. You can have some hold words that will spell out Will You Marry Me. Put this all together in a huge collage and have them pop the question for you.

16) Glow in the Dark Proposal

Using glow in the dark stickers spell out the words will you marry me on your bedroom ceiling - or wherever you will both be sleeping for the night. Once the lights go out your partner will look up and see the question.

17) Bling it up in Bed!

This is crafty in a different way... if you dare - slip the ring on your partner while sleeping and wait for the next morning's shock and surprise!

18) Fake Out

Start asking your partner in not so subtle ways questions about ring size and pretending as if a proposal may be a long ways off. This way your partner thinks you are planning one and trying to fish for information. Towards the end of the conversation once you think you have your partner tricked, surprise your partner with the ring and the forever question.

19) Zoom and Lots of Pop!

Have a family “game night” on zoom organized as a disguise for a live proposal instead. Pop the question and have all the family and friends ready to pop their champagne bottles after the live proposal.

20) Breakfast and Bling in Bed

Wake up extra early and make your partner’s favorite breakfast. Serve it in bed along with the forever question and the sparkling BLING!

21) Moving in Together with a Proposal

On the day you have planned to paint the new home walls - rush there before your partner does and use paint to draw the words will you marry me. When your partner enters the room and sees the words you pop the question.

And a few ideas for a little farther afield...

1) Proposal Paint

Take your partner to a Paint and Sip event where the true masterpiece is the proposal at the end - either with some bubbly champagne or written on a canvas.

2) Make Proposal the Daily Special

Work it out with a restaurant that a proposal be put onto the menu somehow - maybe as a dessert option. Once your partner sees it - get down on one knee with the ring and wait for the YES!

3) Berry Picking and Bring the Bling

On a sunny day organize a day for berry picking or some other favorite fruit in season at the time. Have a picnic prepared and let the best berry find be your BLING!

Have questions? We're happy to help.