



Nothing is more personal than rings that will symbolize two individuals' commitment to one another. Part of creating meaningful jewelry is the connection we have with our clients. We have invited all of our bridal customers to write about their experience, give advice or just tell a story.


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Ken & Dana designed fantastic rings for our engagement & later for our wedding. They were great in helping create pieces that fit what we were looking for in terms of style and feel. The wifey gets compliments from strangers about her engagement ring.

Le B

I first noticed Ken & Dana Designs in a Harpers Bazaar fashion spread. The model was wearing a spectacular brass necklace. I collect and wear art jewelry, and I hadda have it. Dealt with Ken, who could not have been nicer and more helpful. Am now happy owner of this necklace and have received many compliments when I have worn it. Love all their work. Very innovative. lmr


I approached Ken for help with my engagement ring search. Ken’s personalized service helped me choose the stone and get it set perfectly, all for a great price. I appreciated the service and was incredibly happy with the purchase. Since then I have also bought items from Ken and Dana as gifts and will continue to do because each item I buy has been a hit and the service has been great.


I own a few b-side pieces & I love them, as does everyone who sees them. I work in the fashion jewelry office of a major retailer & my bosses are always asking me about my necklaces, earrings & bangles. The battles are my fav. Keep the awesome pieces coming!


As part of my search for an engagement ring for my now-fiance, I approached ken & dana with a rough design for a custom-made ring. I had spoken with other designers and retailers of various sizes, but ken & dana were the only ones who were able to not only capture the look I wanted but to also introduce me to certain design ideas that truly enhanced the ring’s overall effect. In short time, they produced a ring that my fiance could not be happier with. The ring is exceptional – flawless materials, clean lines, perfect proportions – and ken & dana’s skill and dedication to the process are clearly evident in the end result.


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It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

How long does a project take?

Nunc augue erat, auctor non felis ut, congue gravida ligula. Mauris semper ipsum a ornare blandit. Vestibulum aliquam nisi urna, aliquam faucibus justo gravida at. Fusce vulputate augue at arcu semper, non scelerisque risus bibendum. Suspendisse auctor ligula in aliquam rhoncus. Morbi iaculis felis mauris, id porttitor lorem pellentesque eget. Integer fringilla venenatis velit, et tincidunt diam dapibus id.

How much will my piece cost?

Cras dapibus molestie urna, non laoreet dui laoreet quis. Vestibulum vel lacinia neque. Pellentesque nec nulla eu enim imperdiet auctor sed id nunc. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin pharetra venenatis justo, sed feugiat lacus bibendum eget. Fusce congue suscipit nibh, sit amet maximus nisi molestie quis. Nulla facilisi. Sed nec aliquam libero. Duis scelerisque orci vitae quam viverra blandit. Nulla dapibus lorem quis mattis accumsan.

When do I get to see a design? Do I have to pay first?

Proin pharetra venenatis justo, sed feugiat lacus bibendum eget. Fusce congue suscipit nibh, sit amet maximus nisi molestie quis. Nulla facilisi. Sed nec aliquam libero. Duis scelerisque orci vitae quam viverra blandit. Nulla dapibus lorem quis mattis accumsan.

Do you offer a warranty?

Quisque viverra, est a maximus ultricies, odio elit porta elit, id vehicula massa eros in nulla. Nunc vestibulum, est et malesuada pulvinar, justo metus pretium ligula, in volutpat dui felis in elit. In sit amet urna porttitor, sollicitudin dui vel, accumsan libero. Duis vitae sapien felis.
